“The state of men’s health is in crisis. Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier. Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years. Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50. Three quarters of suicides are men. Poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. That’s one every minute.” The Movember Foundation
Movember has become a global movement. Workplaces across the world are getting their Mo on this month to raise awareness and funds to stop our fathers, partners, brothers, friends and work colleagues dying too young. The benefits for getting your workplace involved are invaluable. From helping improve the health and wellbeing of your male employees and colleagues to improved culture, productivity and engagement across your entire workforce. Regardless of the size or the gender makeup of your workforce, this is an initiative every workplace needs to get involved in promoting. But it shouldn’t end at the end of November. Improving men’s health is a conversation we want to be having day in and day out, week after week, month after month to really change the statistics.
Think you or your workplace can’t make a difference? Movember was born from a conversation between two mates at the pub who agreed to grow a Mo to raise funds for men’s health and prostate cancer. It’s now a global movement with an ambitious vision for changing the future of the men’s health. You don’t need to be the CEO of your workplace, you don’t need to be a manager of other people to get involved in Movember. You simply need to care and want to make a difference.
With so many initiatives to get involved with during Movember; from growing a Mo, raising funds, hosting an event, to getting physically active there really is something for everyone and every workplace. And while all these initiatives are fabulous for raising awareness it’s important not to forget the little things that will make a huge difference to the men in your workplace. These little things will also be useful long after the Mo’s have been shaved off and the events done and dusted.
Show someone you genuinely care
We ask those around us every day how they are but how often do we really stop and really listen to the answer. Take an extra minute to really listen to how someone is doing, engage in eye contact, read their body language instead of asking them on the fly how they are and not stopping to wait for the response.
Get to know your colleagues
You don’t have to become everyone’s best friend and know all their personal life details, you just need to be observant and genuinely listen. Often we spend more time with our work colleagues than we do with our family members or friends. We often pick up on our colleagues little idiosyncrasies and if you notice a change it’s time to ask; are you ok?
Keep it front of mind
Movember is well known for its Mo logo. For the month of November the Mo is added to our corporate logo’s, it adorns our staff notice boards; it’s an image that we all recognise. However, we need to keep men’s health front of mind for every other month of the year as well. To create and improve awareness we need to keep reinforcing the message. Keep information and stats on men’s health on your staff noticeboard throughout the year, raise funds at social events on an ongoing basis, keep the topic on your meeting agenda under OH&S. Keep the conversation going all year round.
Arm people with resources
No matter how much you ask someone if they are ok, sometimes they might just not want to talk about what’s happening for them with someone in the workplace. Workplaces have the opportunity to make sure information and resources are on hand for their employees if and when they need support. Keeping brochures from health providers and contact details for mental health support services like Lifeline and Beyond Blue readily available in your workplace is key. Have information on hand in tea rooms, locker rooms, in reception, in induction packs, on intranets; that employees can take or access discreetly should they need to.
Men are dying too young. You can’t afford to stay silent. Everyone has the opportunity to make a difference and take action. Get involved, get your workplace involved. Find out how at Movember Foundation Get Involved.