Last week I attended the LBWR Graduation Dinner where we celebrated the graduation of the 2014 LBWR participants. Sponsored by Karden Disability Support Foundation, we heard from the City of Ballarat CEO Anthony Schinck and I applaud the City of Ballarat for investing in developing and supporting Ballarat’s emerging leaders to give back to our region. Stella Young was our very funny and “inspiring” guest speaker for the evening.
This was the first time I had heard Stella speak. And yes I was inspired. For those that know Stella, have heard her speak before or follow her on social media you’ll know of her dislike for being described as inspiring. If you haven’t heard Stella’s thoughts on this you can check out her “I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much” here.
Stella’s presentation was very funny, she’s a very talented comedian and she had the audience in fits of laughter. Stella had the audience completely engaged in the stories she shared about her journey in life and the issues facing people with disabilities and how she is making a difference.
I was inspired by Stella because of her leadership in the community, for the successful career she has built and for her ability to challenge peoples thoughts and opinions – to make people think differently. I was astounded by the statistics she presented on the very low number of Australians with a disability who are engaged in work. Stella opened my eyes to what we can do as individuals and as a community to better support people with disabilities. Stella inspired me with her leadership; her vision, her values, her passion for making a difference and her talent for inspiring others to think differently and make a difference through advocating for what we believe in.
In hearing the news this morning that Stella had passed away over the weekend, I was shocked and extremely saddened. As tributes flow for Stella, I’ve again reflected on her presentation at the LBWR dinner. I’ll remember Stella for her inspiring leadership, advocacy and determination to make the world a better place and for the talented comedian she was. A n authentic and genuine leader.