Month: August 2015

Passion and an Authentic WHY – ingredients for business and career success

Passion and an Authentic WHY – ingredients for business and career success

August has been an action packed month. I’ve been making the most of the Small Business Festival Victoria and what’s more commonly known as B31 in Ballarat. This year for the first time B31 has been run by Commerce Ballarat and they have delivered some sensational speakers to Ballarat. I love this month for the […]

Win your way to an Interview

Win your way to an Interview

Making an outstanding impression and getting noticed when applying for a job isn’t just about nailing your application and then acing the interview. The recruiter is or has made assessments about you and your suitability for a position before they even read your application and before they meet with you for an interview. Standing out […]

Recruiting Leaders

Recruiting Leaders

Earlier this week I presented at the annual Australian Industry Group Human Resources Conference in Ballarat, held as part of B31. I’ve always enjoyed attending the conference as it’s a great opportunity for HR Managers and general management to come together for professional development, networking and to hear about trends, initiatives and changes in the […]

Busy is just the latest buzz word – it’s really about priorities

Busy is just the latest buzz word – it’s really about priorities

Is it just me or have you noticed that everyone you cross paths with these days is “busy.”  Everyone I seem to talk to, whether it be professional or personal, tells me they have been so busy, that they are time poor and just can’t seem to keep up.  It feels like we just keep […]